총괄 및 1 세부
김 승 현 교수 | 한양대학교 의과대학
Seung Hyun Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
- 1986~1990 한양대학교 의과대학 졸업
- 1999~2001 미국 휴스톤소재 Baylor 의대 신경과 및 ALS/MDA center 연수
- 1993~현재 한양대학교 신경과 교수
수상 및 성과
- 미래창조과학부 [2015년 100대 국가연구개발 우수성과]로 선정
- 가톨릭재단 [제10회 생명의 신비상 본상, 2015년]
- HYU 학술상 (한양대학교 석좌연구교수 2015년)
- 보건복지부 장관상 3회 (희귀질환 극복의날 2018년, 치매관리사업 우수관리자 2009년, 2013년)
- 서울시 시장상 (서울시민 치매관리 공로 2008년)
- 성동구 구청상 (성동구 주민 치매관리 공로상 2016년)
- [루게릭병을 이기는 사람들] 책자 3판 출간 및 루게릭병 통합환자관리체계 구축
- 미국 Houston Methodist Neurological Institute의 제8회 Stanley H. Appel Resident Distinguished Lecturer(2016)로 선정됨(Harvard 대학의 Merit Cudkowicz 및 Milan 대학의 Silani 등의 석학들이 받은 영예)
특허등록 및 출원
- [제10-0887211호] 중간엽줄기세포를 포함하는 운동신경원질환 치료용조성물 및 치료방법
- [제10-1587923호]페이지 디스플레이 기법을 통한 TDP-43 진단 신규 펩타이드 규명
- [제 10-1161350 호] GSK-3ß 저해제 스크리닝 방법 및 키트 (2012년)
- 근위축성측상경화증 진단마커로서의 돌연변이 유전자 및 이를 이용한 진단방법
- 산성 스핑고미엘리나제를 이용한 근위축성측삭경화증 진단용조성물과 진단마커검출 방법
- The importance of offering early genetic testing in everyone with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Salmon K, Kiernan MC, Kim SH, Andersen PM, Chio A, van den Berg LH, Van Damme P, Al-Chalabi A, Lillo P, Andrews JA, Genge A. Brain. 2022 May 24;145(4):1207-1210.
- Discovery of a dual-action small molecule that improves neuropathological features of Alzheimer’s disease mice. Min Hee Park, Hee-Jin Kim, Seung Hyun Kim, Edward H. Schuchmank, Hee Kyung Jin and Jae-sung Bae. PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 3 e2115082119
- Efficacy and safety of Lenzumestrocel (Neuronata-R® inj.) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALSUMMIT study): study protocol for a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, sham procedure-controlled, phase III trial. Nam JY, Lee TY, Kim K, Chun S, Kim MS, Shin JH, Sung JJ, Kim BJ, Kim BJ, Oh KW, Kim KS, Kim SH. Trials. 2022 May 18;23(1):415.
- Therapeutic modulation of GSTO activity rescues FUS-associated neurotoxicity via deglutathionylation in ALS disease models. Cha SJ, Lee S, Choi HJ, Han YJ, Jeon YM, Jo M, Lee S, Nahm M, Lim SM, Kim SH, Kim HJ, Kim K. Dev Cell. 2022 Mar 28;57(6):783-798.e8.
- Characteristics of Dysphagia Based on the Type of ALS in Korean Patients Evaluated Using Videofluoroscopic Study: A Retrospective Analysis. Park YC, Lee JY, Lee JS, Park JS, Oh KW, Kim SH, Kim MJ. Dysphagia. 2022 Mar 18.
- The Amyloid- Pathway in Alzheimers Disease, Harald Hampel John Hardy Kaj Blennow Christopher Chen George Perry Seung Hyun Kim Victor L Villemagne Paul Aisen Michele Vendruscolo Takeshi Iwatsubo Colin L Masters Min Cho Lars Lannfelt Jeffrey L Cummings and Andrea, MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, 202108
- Hereditary Frontotemporal Dementia Linked to the Pathogenic p.L266V Variant of the MAPT Gene in Korea, Sung, Wonjae; Kim, Young-Eun; Kim, Seung Hyun; JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, 202107
- ANXA11 mutations in ALS cause dysregulation of calcium homeostasis and stress granule dynamics, Minyeop Nahm;Su Min Lim;Young-Eun Kim;Jinseok Park; Min-Young Noh;Sanggon Lee;Ki-Wook Oh; Chang-Seok Ki;Seung Hyun Kim, SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 2020.10
- Sphingolipids in neuroinflammation: a potential target for diagnosis and therapy, Lee, Ju Youn; Jin, Hee Kyung; Bae, Jae-Sung, BMB REPORTS, 2020. 01
- IgGs from patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and diabetes target CaV21 subunits impairing islet cell function and survival, Yue Shia;Kyoung Sun Parkb; Seung Hyun Kim; Jia Yua;Kaixuan Zhaoa;Lina Yua;Ki Wook Oh;Kayoung Lee, PNAS, 202001
- ALS is a multistep process in South Korean, Japanese, and Australian patients, Vucic, Steve; Higashihara, Mana; Sobue, Gen; Atsuta, Naoki; Doi, Yuriko; Kuwabara, Satoshi; Kim, Seung Hyun; Kim, Inah; Oh, Ki-Wook; Park, Jinseok; Kim, Eun Mi; Talman, Paul; Menon, Parvathi; Kiernan, Matthew C.; NEUROLOGY, 202002
- N-AS-triggered SPMs are direct regulators of microglia in a mouse of Alzheimer’s disease, Lee, Ju Youn; Han, Seung Hoon; Park, Min Hee; Song, Im-Sook; Choi, Min-Koo; Yu, Eunsoo; Park, Cheol-Min; Kim, Hee-Jin; Kim, Seung Hyun; Schuchman, Edward H.; Jin, Hee Kyung; Bae, Jae-sung, Nat Commun., 2020. 05.
- The Preclinical Amyloid Sensitive Composite to determine subtle cognitive differences in preclinical Alzheimers, Alice Hahn;Young Ju Kim;Hee Jin Kim;Hyemin Jang;Hanna Cho;Sang Won Seo, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202008
- Distribution and Clinical Impact of Apolipoprotein E4 in Subjective Memory Impairment and Early Mild Cognitive Impairment, Hanna C ho;YoungEun Kim;Wonjeong Chae; Ko Woon Kim;JongWon Kim;Hee Jin Kim1 Duk L Na; ChangSeok Ki;Sang Won Seo, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202008
- Usefulness of diffusion tensor imaging findings as biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Baek, Seol-Hee; Park, Jinseok; Kim, Yoo Hwan; Seok, Hung Youl; Oh, Ki-Wook; Kim, Hee-Jin; Kwon, Ye-Ji; Sim, Youngbo; Tae, Woo-Suk; Kim, Seung Hyun; Kim, Byung-Jo;, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202008
- Association between APOE 2 and A burden in patients withAlzheimer- and Vascular-Type Cognitive Impairment, Jin San Lee; Hyejoo Lee;Seongbeom Park;Yeongsim Choe; Yu Hyun Park;Duk L Na; Sang Won Seo, NEUROLOGY, 202009
- Disease progression modeling of Alzheimers disease according to education level, Ko Woon Kim;Sook Young Woo;Seonwoo Kim; Hyemin Jang;Yeshin Kim;Soo Hyun Cho;Si Eun Kim; Seung Joo Kim;ByoungSoo Shin;Hee Jin Kim;Duk L Na;Sang Won Seo, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202009
- A Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease Focused on Immune – inflammatory Modulation, Seung Hyun Kim; Min Young Noh;Hee-Jin Kim; Ki-Wook Oh;Jinseok Park;Sanggon Lee;Yeonsil Moon;Young-Eun Kim;Jae Sung Bae;Hee Kyung Jin, Dement Neurocogn Disord., 2019.04
- Prediction of fast decline in amyloid positive mild cognitive impairment patients using multimodal biomarkers, Jang, Hyemin; Park, Jongyun; Woo, Sookyoung; Kim, Seonwoo; Kim, Hee Jin; Na, Duk L.; Lockhart, Samuel N.; Kim, Yeshin; Kim, Ko Woon; Cho, Soo Hyun; Kim, Seung Joo; Seong, Joon-Kyung; Seo, Sang Won; NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL, 201907
- Characterization of the Subventricular-Thalamo-Cortical Circuit in the NP-C Mouse Brain, and New Insights Regarding Treatment, Park, Min Hee; Choi, Byung Jo; Jeong, Min Seock; Lee, Ju Youn; Jung, In Kyung; Park, Kang Ho; Lee, Hye Won; Yamaguchi, Tomoyuki; Marti, Hugo H.; Lee, Beom Hee; Schuchman, Edward H.; Jin, Hee Kyung; Bae, Jae-Sung, MOLECULAR THERAPY, 201908
- Vascular endothelial growth factor improves the therapeutic effects of cyclodextrin in Niemann-Pick type C mice, Jeong, Min Seock; Bae, Jae-sung; Jin, Hee Kyung; ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS, 201911
- Role of Muscle Profile in Alzheimer`s Disease: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study, Moon, Yeonsil; Moon, Won-Jin; im, Jin Ok; Kwon, Kyoung Ja; Han, Seol-Heui, EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 201911
- N,N’-Diacetyl-p-phenylenediamine restores microglial phagocytosis and improves cognitive defects in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice., Park, Min Hee; Lee, Misun; Nam, Geewoo; Kim, Mingeun; Kang, Juhye; Choi, Byung Jo; Jeong, Min Seock; Park, Kang Ho; Han, Wan Hui; Tak, Eunyoung; Kim, Min Sun; Lee, Juri; Lin, Yuxi; Lee, Young-Ho; Song, Im-Sook; Choi, Min-Koo; Lee, Joo-Yong; Jin, Hee Kyung; Bae, Jae-sung; Lim, Mi Hee; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2019. 11.
- Immune inflammatory modulation as a potential therapeutic strategy of stem cell therapy for ALS and neurodegenerative diseases, Kim, Seung Hyun; Oh, Ki-Wook; Jin, Hee Kyung; Bae, Jae-Sung; BMB REPORTS, 201810
- Markov chain Hebbian learning algorithm with ternary synaptic units, Guhyun Kim; Vladimir Kornijcuk; Dohun Kim; Inho Kim; Jaewook Kim; Hyo Cheon Woo; Jihun Kim; Cheol Seong Hwang; IEEE Access, 201812
- miRNA를 포함하는 신경퇴행성질환의 예방 또는 치료용 조성물 및 이의 용도, 국내특허출원, 10-2021-0062983, 김승현, 노민영
- miRNA를 포함하는 신경퇴행성질환의 예후예측용 바이오마커와 이의 용도, 국내특허출원, 10-2021-0062992, 김승현, 노민영
- COX2 아세틸화제를 유효성분으로 포함하는 퇴행성 신경질환의 예방 또는 치료용 약학적 조성물, 국내특허출등록, 10-2235660-0000, 배재성 진희경 이주연
- Novel use of NCKAP-1 in the regulation of microglial cell dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, 미국특허출원, 16/651,783, 김승현 노민영 권민수 남민엽 오기욱, 2020.03
- Novel use of NCKAP-1 in the regulation of microglial cell dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, 유럽특허출원, 18862617.0, 김승현 노민영 권민수 남민엽 오기욱, 2020.03
- Novel use of NCKAP-1 in the regulation of microglial cell dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, PCT/KR2018/009725 ,김승현 노민영 권민수 남민엽 오기욱, 2018.08
- COX2 아세틸화제를 유효성분으로 포함하는 퇴행성 신경질환의 예방 또는 치료용 약학적 조성물, 미국특허출원, 16/982494, 진희경, 배재성,이주연, 한승훈, 2020. 09.
- COX2 단백질의 아세틸화 검출용 항체 및 이의 용도, PCT/KR2020/012647, 진희경, 배재성, 이주연, 2020. 09.
- COX2 아세틸화제를 유효성분으로 포함하는 퇴행성 신경질환의 예방 또는 치료용 약학적 조성물, 국내특허출원, 10-2019-0032028, 배재성, 진희경, 이주연, 한승훈, 20190320
- COX2 아세틸화제를 유효성분으로 포함하는 퇴행성 신경질환의 예방 또는 치료용 약학적 조성물, PCT/KR2019/003283, 배재성, 진희경, 이주연, 한승훈, 20190321
- COX2-s565 항체를 유효성분으로 포함하는 퇴행성 신경질환의 진단방법, 국내특허출원, 10-2019-0116290, 배재성,진희경,이주연, 20190920
- COX2 단백질의 아세틸화 검출용 항체 및 이의 용도, 국내특허출원, 10-2020-0120837, 배재성,진희경,이주연, 20200918
- NCKAP1 단백질 또는 상기 단백질을 암호화하는 유전자를 포함하는 신경계 퇴행성질환의 예방 또는 치료용 약학적 조성물, PCT/KR2018/009725, 김승현, 노민영, 권민수, 오기욱, 남민엽, 이수정, 20180823